Thank you for visiting Central City website.
As there is a legal restriction in use of Central City website, we want to inform you of it.
Thank you for visiting Central City website. We are so pleased to offer you a variety of information, related to Central City, and want to inform you of some legal restrictions and prohibited matters at this website and other websites, related to Central City.
You can use or save information at your own computer, offered by Central City website, for your personal purpose. You can put link, connecting to this server, at your personal home page or documents. However, we want to inform you of the fact that this website is intelligence assets of Central City with exclusive ownership(These assets are not limited to copyright, trademark rights and information on technology but intelligence assets, which Central City has the ownership of, are offered in the shape of letter, image, audio, video, download file, link and source codes(hereafter, ‘service and data’)).
To develop this website, Central City has put money, time and efforts, thus Central City possesses all rights for these services and data. These services and data are only offered for your convenience. However, we want to let you know that intellectual property rights of offered services and data are not given to you and services, data and other information, offered by this website or other related websites, might not be accurate, complete or reliable, thus we ask you not to use information on the website as a reference for your crucial decision, related to profits, except when Central City gives you a special advice in writing.
The service and data are offered, based on the facts, but Central City does not assure any guarantees, including unrestricted guarantee for sales and guarantee for special purpose, of the services and data, thus we let you know that Central City would not assume any responsibilities, when direct, indirect, accidental, disciplinary or inevitable damage, related to the services and data, happens, so please check it when using our website. Thank you.